Player Roles

Staff Roles

🍦Member: Players who have been whitelisted and are part of our community linked with their Discord account.

πŸ”₯Nitro Booster: Players who boost our server with Discord Nitro.

🍨Donator: Players who have donated to help cover the monthly costs of the server. They receive no other benefits other than a colored prefix in game and access to an exclusive donator-chat.

🟣Veteran: Players are hand-picked, long term members that have contributed significantly to the community and have met 6-month activity with a good server standing.

πŸ”΄ TechnicallyVanilla: For some of our staff members who help behind the scenes on the more technical side to make the server a better place.

🟠Helper: Assist with tasks around the server such as welcoming new players, giving tours, helping plan and run community events, and more.

πŸ”΅Moderator: Main rule enforcers and investigators to potential rule breaking. Able to give final say on most questions or discussions, they adopt all roles of Helpers as well as their own.

🟒Admin: Full access to the server's permissions. Implements high-level decisions and improvements, direct staff, and keep the server running smoothly.